Trying CAP in a Jupyter notebook

You can try CAP (Categories, Algorithms, Programming) in your browser running Jupyter notebooks interactively in Binder.

To start a CAP session with a worksheet on abelian categories, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on (Link to launch Binder) or open in the browser.

  2. A message Loading repository: sebastianpos/cap-aachen2018/master will be displayed, followed by a non-interactive preview. Please be patient, since it may take a while, depending on the current load on Binder. When the server will be ready, you will see the main Jupyter screen with a file browser.

  3. Click on the AbelianCategories.ipynb file to start a Jupyter notebook on abelian categories.

This worksheet was part of the CAP Days 2018 at the University of Siegen and the Summer School GAP in Algebraic Research at the RWTH Aachen.
